We passionately believe that who YOU are is how you coach and that good self awareness is fundamental to being a great coach.

We believe that when we know and understand ourselves better, we become better coaches and can be entirely focused on the needs of the client. Our programmes ensure that you fully understand your own style, preferences and personal attributes, which enables you to realise your potential as a Coach.


Post-Graduate Level Certificate for Executive and Senior Level Coaches and Mentors (ILM7)

 Post-Graduate Level Certificate in Coaching Supervisors (ILM7)

Edinburgh Coaching Academy is proud to partner with the ILM as an accredited provider of qualifications in Coaching and Mentoring and Coaching Supervision.

ILM is the UK’s principal management body, combining industry leading qualifications and specialist member services and they have the largest range of internationally recognised coaching and mentoring qualifications. You can find out more about ILM and its benefits here.

We run a comprehensive open programme of coaching courses, delivered by Edinburgh Coaching Academy qualified coaches.

Please contact us to find out more or use the link below for more information, including dates, and to book online.

New Programme
  • Coaching Skills for the Modern Workplace

  • £975 + VAT
    • 2 Days
    • Highly Practical

ILM Level 7
  • Certificate for Executive and Senior Level Coaches and Mentors

  • £3,500
    • Virtual Programme
    • ILM Accredited

ILM Level 7
  • Certificate in Coaching Supervision

  • £3,995
    • 2 x 2 Days plus 1 x day
    • ILM Accredited programme

New Programme
  • Introducing Coaching to Your Organisation

  • £475
    • 1 Day
    • Highly Practical

All of our coaching courses can also be run as “in-house” programmes. Find out more about what we offer for in-house coaching.